CLS Press Statement: Unconstitutional Restrictions Imposed On Release Of Bibles
CLS Press Statement: Unconstitutional Restrictions Imposed On Release Of Bibles
Our forefathers in their great wisdom have found it fit to categorically state in no uncertain terms through Article 11(1) of the Federal Constitution that every person has the right to profess and practise his religion and propagate it. While in Article 11(2) of the Federal Constitution it expressly provides that every religious group has the right to manage its own religious affairs.
The recent acts of the Federal Government in first detaining the Bibles in Port Klang and Kuching and then placing unreasonable conditions for its release are contrary to the Federal Constitution.
With respect, the acts of the Federal Government are nothing more than reducing the rights of each person and religious groups as entrenched in the Federal Constitution to nought!
The unlawful usurpation of these Constitutional rights must cease! The Federal Government must release these Bibles without any conditions. The Federal Government must respect the individual and religious groups’ rights to Freedom of Religion as envisaged in the Federal Constitution.
Any act and conduct of unilaterally marking or serialising these Holy books are clearly disrespectful.
Bahasa Malaysia is the national language of the country. The authorities cannot and should not restrain the use of the language under any circumstances.
Joy Appukuttan
Catholic Lawyers Society Kuala Lumpur
HP:(012-297 8098)
Dated 18th March 2011