Brunei Catholic Lawyers Celebrate Red Mass 2016

Brunei Catholic Lawyers Celebrate Red Mass 2016
Brunei Catholic lawyers celebrated the Red Mass on 25th May 2016. The inaugural mass was held last year.
This year the Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit was once again celebrated at the Church of Our Lady of the Assumption, Bandar Seri Begawan.
The main celebrant at the said Mass was Bishop Cornelius Sim, Vicar Apostolic of Brunei.
In attendance were Catholic lawyers and judges as well as their family members. To make the event even more meaningful, Catholic staff from the legal firms, Attorney General’s Chambers and legal executives from other organisations were invited. Amongst the notable attendees were Dato Paduka Steven Chong, Judge of the Supreme Court of Brunei, his wife, Datin Magdelene Chong, the former Solicitor-General and Ms Alice Khan, the Legal Draftsman from the Attorney General’s Chambers.
In his homily, Bishop Sim spoke on the dual role of being a lawyer and a Catholic and the challenges faced by those in the legal profession by reflecting on the life of St Thomas More, the patron saint for Catholic lawyers and judges.
After the mass, the attendees adjourned to the Conference Room where a fellowship meal had been arranged. The atmosphere was light hearted whereby all those present mingled freely with each other. It provided an opportunity for everyone to share and exchange their thoughts on the mass and other matters.
Bishop Sim expressed his gratitude to the Catholic legal fraternity for taking the time to organise the function and he hoped that they would continue to seek ways to put their knowledge and expertise to good use in support of the Church’s community in this country.