CLS Patron Celebrates His Sacerdotal

CLS Patron Celebrates His Sacerdotal
CLS Patron, His Grace Archbishop Emeritus Murphy Pakiam celebrated 50 years as a priest.
His Grace was ordained priest on10 May 1964. On 1 April 1995, he was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Kuala Lumpur. By 24 May 2003 he was made Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur.
A packed crowd joined His Grace for a Thanksgiving Mass at St John’s Cathedral, Kuala Lumpur this morning. Numerous bishops and priests from various dioceses were present to con-celebrate. Bishop Sebastian Francis who gave the homily defined the works of a priest.
Monsignor James Gnanapragasam in his tribute explained that His Grace served 31 years as priest and 19 years as bishop. In his speech, Monsignor said that, ‘His Grace is a very practical man. He is quick to see things and to create relationship with others, hence his motto “Mercy & Peace” on his Coat of Arms.’
Monsignor James added that His Grace works fervently for justice and his steadfastness in dealing with matters afflicting the local church has not gone unnoticed. He was invited to meet President Obama, which is recognition of the local church in Malaysia. His Grace was quoted to have said that, ‘Free from fear we serve him in holiness and justice.’, .
When asked if he will return to Penang diocese, his place of origin after his retirement, His Grace replied, ‘a bishop is married to his diocese’, hence ‘we are his spouse’, quipped Monsignor James to the laughter of the congregation.
In his address His Grace said that he was named after a prominent Irish Catholic priest by his mother. ‘A mother’s prayers is so powerful, even the Holy Trinity has to succumb to her prayers’, His Grace explained with humour. His Grace expressed his joy of his priesthood, quoting Pope Francis to say, ‘We are sinners first’. He shared his joy of being able to hear, help and absolve sins during confessions, celebrating the sacredness of the mass and receiving the grace to see Jesus coming down on them as priest to nourish his people during mass.
Before the final blessing, His Lordship, Bishop Paul Tan handed His Grace a plague with greetings from Pope Francis.
After Mass, CLS members present and others took turns to wish His Grace.
We at the CLS wish His Grace all the Blessings of Almighty God and strength to continue to shepherd his people.