CLS Mass: Red Mass 2022 Archdiocese Of Kuala Lumpur

CLS Mass: Red Mass 2022 Archdiocese Of Kuala Lumpur
Church of St Thomas More, Subang JayaDate and time:
Sat, Jan 29, 2022 – 10:00 am – 12:00 pmEvent tagline:
Annual Votive Mass Of The Holy Spirit (Red Mass)Event description:
Presider: Rt. Rev. Sebastian Francis, DD, Bishop of Penang
The Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit, or the Red Mass, is held annually to commemorate the opening of the Judicial Legal Year. It is held to invoke the Holy Spirit – the advocate, on all those involved in the administration of Justice and upholding the Rule of Law.
Lawyers are encouraged to be robed in open court attire and assemble at the church entrance at 9:30 AM for the procession.
Venue: Church of St Thomas More, Subang Jaya
Address: 12 Jalan TP5, Taman Perindustrian UEP Subang Jaya, 47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor
Christian Lawyers, Pupils, Academics and Law Students are cordially invited to attendEvent contact:
Ms Calista Chin; Mr. David Lazaroo