Catholic Lawyers Society Annual Dinner And Dance 2022

Catholic Lawyers Society Annual Dinner And Dance 2022

The Catholic Lawyers’ Society, Kuala Lumpur (CLS) held a dinner & dance to commemorate their 28th anniversary November 12.

The nett proceeds of the night will be channeled towards the causes of the Society which is currently focused on child protection initiatives with the theme Child Protection — Our Common Responsibility.

Pope Francis, in his Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio dated March 26, 2019 wrote:
“The protection of minors and vulnerable persons is an integral part of the Gospel message that the Church and all its members are called to proclaim throughout the world. Christ himself, in fact, has entrusted us with the care and protection of the weakest and the defenceless: “whosoever receives one child such as this in My name receives Me” (Mt 18:5). Therefore, we all have the duty to welcome openheartedly minors and vulnerable persons and to create a safe environment for them, with their interests as a priority”.

The Catholic Lawyers’ Society has, throughout its 28 years of existence, devoted itself to many causes for the Lost, the Last, the Least, and the Little, not least the protection of the most vulnerable on our God-given Planet Earth, our children.


This year in particular, the Society is focusing on creating public awareness and protecting children’s rights and interests in Malaysia in this day and age. The Federal Constitution and the Child Act 2001, amongst other laws, advocate for children’s rights to be regarded as a fundamental right which includes the rights to life, shelter, protection, safety (physical and mental), security, maintenance, education, and good parenting and nurture.

CLS president, Godfrey Fernandez, hand in hand with organizing chairperson, Stan Cross, highlighted the protection of minors and vulnerable persons in their respective speeches while Fara Diba, a Catholic Orang Asli law student presently studying at University of Malaya brought about an outstanding performance with her rendition of “We are the World” to open the stage for the night.

The Society’s Ecclesiastical Assistant, Fr Gregory Chan, in his speech echoed the sentiments of the Society – to create public awareness and protect children’s rights and interests in Malaysia and called upon the legal fraternity to cooperate and collaborate with other professions to highlight more matters affecting our community, be they matters of communal, national or international interests.

The customized souvenir programme cover produced for the night also highlighted the theme of child protection.

The kids from the children’s home in Setapak also drew the attention of the crowd with their lively dance moves and happy faces.

On the whole, the Catholic Lawyers’ Society brought the house down with their energetic crowd of 35 tables who all came together to support a good cause and simply to have a great night of fun and enjoyment.

Authored by Christina Param

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